Q: How to order from jewelryodm?
A: It is easy to order from jewelryodm. First register with your email and tel number, second selecting product you like to cart, third click check out to enter shipping address and choose shipping way; then complete the payment.
Q: How to pay?
A: We accept USD, GBP,EUR,AUD,CAD,MXN,NGN currency, you can pay it via paypal, Visa, MasterCard, also could use bank transfer to the designated company account.
Q: What is the lead time?
A: All orders will be shipped out within 10 days based on the order time.
Q: How about the after-sales service?
A: We provide 6*24 hours of customer service. For any after-sales questions, you can communicate with our professional customer service by phone, email, WhatsApp, etc.
Q: Why choose jewelryodm?
1. Marketing Research - ODM Jewelry conducts regular market research to stay up to date with trends and customer preferences, allowing us to offer products that are in demand.
2. Customer Service - Our customer service team is dedicated to providing excellent support and assistance to our clients, ensuring their satisfaction with our products and services.
3. Supply Chain Management - ODM Jewelry has established strong relationships with reliable suppliers and manufacturers, allowing us to ensure timely delivery of high-quality products to our customers.
4. Cost Management - By carefully managing costs and optimizing processes, ODM Jewelry is able to offer competitive prices without compromising on quality.
5. Social Responsibility - ODM Jewelry is committed to ethical sourcing and production practices, ensuring that our products are made in a responsible and sustainable manner.
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